Was once into public relations but found that relating to kids gives more satisfaction and makes so much more sense. So it was goodbye to the corporate world some years back. Currently a work at home mum (WAHM) to three boisterous, active and lovable kids who keep me insanely occupied but very fulfilled.
NOTHING FANCY, JUST HOME-COOKED FOOD FOR THE FAMILY First off, let me qualify that I am a rookie at this. Hardly have time to cook fancy dishes and hardly a great cook, but don't think that should deter me from trying to put a tasty meal on the dinner table. With kids who are adventurous with food and generous with their compliments, I am motivated somewhat to dish out the best I can. Not to the extent of cooking up a storm (not that I can, anyway) but enough to create something to look forward to for the family. My kitchen experiments don't always turn out well and I have my fair share of disasters. (that's when I wish I was fasting rather than feasting). But when it's made with love, food doesn't really need to be great tasting to be appreciated.
So welcome to my humble foodie blog and follow my kitchen trails as I share my spills and thrills in the kitchen. Shown here are proudly some of the dishes I have labored on with some amount of success. Given that stuff I cook don't always turn out the way they should, its nice to be able to capture them when they do. You'll also find comments and reviews of food joints I have visited. Don't know if I can keep it up but hey, a dose of blogging has proven to do wonders to my sometimes mind-bloggling day.P.S For the time being, can only manage a photo blog, no time to post the "how to's" but would be happy to share.